Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this week:
Third Annual Ocean Summit
Forty ocean-lovers and Ocean Providence leaders gathered for the Third Annual Leadership Ocean Summit at East Garden in New York. Over the weekend of May 14-15, they listened to and shared testimonies and memories of spending time with True Father out on the water. A highlight of the program was an informative session and goal-setting activity for getting involved with Ocean Providence. Participants were left inspired and renewed to continue building upon their passion and goals for ocean-related projects.
Peace King Cup Fishing Tournament
On Saturday, May 14, the Peace King Cup Luncheon and Awards Ceremony celebrated this year’s fishing tournament and True Parents’ 56th Marriage Blessing anniversary. Winners received a cash prize and trophy, and shared about the challenges and triumphs of their fishing experience. This year, 145 people braved a day of fishing on the Hudson River, rain or shine, and were part of the biggest turnout in the tournament’s history. If you missed this year’s tournament, you don’t have to wait a whole year to go fishing! Contact Captain Takahashi (ktaka10591@gmail.com or 914-629-7660) to schedule your fishing trip this summer.
Bay Area Can Do It!
The Bay Area Family Church held a We Can Do It seminar for Tribal Messiahship the weekend of May 14 and 15, presented by Demian Dunkley, the director of evangelism for FFWPU-USA
God Bless America Family Festival
On June 5, we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Yankee Stadium Rally, the 62nd anniversary of the founding of HSA-UWC, and the 54th Day of All True Things with True Mother. Join us at Belvedere on June 5 with your family and friends, where there will be international food, an anniversary celebration, live music, fun for kids, and more!