~~from CBG Book 6, C2, S3
From here, multitudes of people must come together with one heart and make one united effort, shedding their sweat together and moving as one body despite having different interests and different emotions. This will be an opportunity for God, who once could only look upon New York with despair, to finally have hope through you.
20 Since the United States is the leading nation of the world, I am conducting speaking tours here. By so doing, I have risen to prominence in three years. At first, when I said I would give a public speech at Lincoln Center, no one gave me so much as a glance. People said that after holding that assembly I would run away. And when I announced a revival meeting in Carnegie Hall, they said I would not be able to fill half or even a third of it. However, I did not speak in only one venue. In 19731 gave speeches across all regions of the United States, visiting 21 cities starting with Carnegie Hall. Then in 1974 the speaking tour covered 32 cities, sweeping through the entire nation.
Carrying out such work is impossible without major resources. Knowing that I had a time limit on my visa, I needed to hold these gatherings as quickly as possible. I finished the tour successfully with that in mind. European members came here and worked with me for three years. If they had not been able to keep pace, I would never have been able to lay my foundation in the United States. (073-132, 1974/08/16)
22 Through the Madison Square Garden rally, God can realize His Will to reclaim the heavenly nation and from that place liberate all people. It is a historic event that will serve as a base from which we can leap forward. From here, multitudes of people must come together with one heart and make one united effort, shedding their sweat together and moving as one body despite having different interests and different emotions. This will be an opportunity for God, who once could only look upon New York with despair, to finally have hope through you. (072-300, 1974/09/01)
23 I gave a speech in New York’s Lincoln Center in 1972, another one in Carnegie Hall in 1973, and a third, finishing that course, in Madison Square Garden in 1974. During that three-year period I set God’s strategy in my heart, so no one knew about it. I was so serious when I came to America, because I had the responsibility to convey my message to all Americans in three years. I knew that failure would hurt the providence and the Will of God, so I gave painstaking thought to how I should use this opportunity. The main problem was that I did not have enough people. I had been worrying for three years about how to prepare to fill Madison Square Garden to overflowing, and I kept this goal in my mind. (073-227, 1974/09/19)