Join the 21-Day Peace Challenge

By | July 21, 2017


On July 15, we filled Madison Square Garden for Peace Starts With Me, a wonderful event where we could all share in the love of God as one family.
Over 10,000 people took a stand for creating peace every day of our lives, starting with ourselves, our relationships, and neighborhoods, and reaching all the way out to our nation and the world.

True Mother shared a message about the history of God’s work for peace, the world’s dire need for true parents who can guide us to live as true brothers and sisters, and how America can be a leader in restoring peace on earth, starting with each of us. If we practice true love everywhere we go, shine our light to the world, and live for the sake of others, God’s peaceful home on earth is not far away.


In the spirit of putting that into practice, we invite you keep the ball rolling with a 21-day Peace Challenge, where we will share with you a daily nugget of wisdom and an actionable challenge to help you create peace in every aspect of your life and in the world around you. You’ll also receive a free downloadable Prayer Journal to help you nurture your spiritual practice.

Sign up today at!