Your Weekly Update – September 22

By | September 25, 2017

Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this week:

Reflections from Peace Starts with Me Conference and True Mother

From September 5 to 10, various religious leaders from all over America traveled to Korea in order to attend the Peace Starts With Me, an interreligious and international peace conference led by True Mother.

3 Ways to Support Recent Natural Disasters

Watch the weekly update to find out how you can support those who have been affected by recent natural disasters.

Tongil Group Leaders Learn About True Parents’ Legacy

Forty one leaders of the Tongil Group of Korea–many who are guests–arrived in New York on September 19 to learn about the heart and legacy of the founders of their organizations, True Parents.

Energized Couples Retreat

To learn more about the Energize Couples Retreat, click the button below!

Fourth 7-Day Japanese Divine Principle Workshop at IPEC

The 4th 7-Day Divine Principle Workshop in Japanese is coming up at IPEC! Register today.