Your Weekly Update – October 27

By | October 29, 2017

Your Weekly Update – October 27

Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this week:

Words from True Mother in Japan

Watch the weekly update to hear what True Mother said to 10,000 people in Japan at the HJ Peace Loving Festival!

Remembering Mrs. Yoon, wife of Dr. Bo Hi Pak

Mrs. Ki-sook Yun, one of True Parents’ longtime followers and wife of Dr. Bo-hi Pak, ascended to the spirit world on October 14 at the age of 84.

2017 Global Rally for Peace in Korea

Join True Mother in the 2017 Global Rally for Peace and Unity in the Korean Peninsula on Saturday, November 11, at 1:30 p.m. in the World Cup stadium in Seoul!

47th Anniversary of the 777 Couples Blessing

Congratulations to all the couples that received the Marriage Blessing from True Parents on Oct. 21, 1970!

Carpeting the United Nations

On October 23, at the invitation of the Permanent Representative of Honduras to the United Nations , students from Nutley High School, working virtually with students from Honduras, created a sawdust tapestry in celebration of UN day.