Please continue fulfilling your mission and activities with the most sincere devotion, and carry out Father’s direction. When you move God’s heart with your sincere devotion, Satan will raise his arms in surrender, and history will welcome a new age.
3 Up until the very moment Father departed for Danbury, he encouraged you and tried to inspire you with hope. Even so, July 20, 1984, is a day I truly would like to erase from history forever.
Departing from East Garden at 10:00 p.m., I accompanied him to Danbury Prison. Biting my lip, I firmed up my resolve to be strong, yet I could not hold back the tears that flowed even without my realizing it. During that ride, Father was not the least bit concerned about what would happen to him. Even as he thought about America and God’s providence, his only concern in that moment was to comfort me. When I saw that, I was overwhelmed; I did not know what to do.
Before his departure, Father said, “I will liberate even this prison.” He repeatedly said we should not cry for him but rather pray for the sake of accomplishing God’s Will.
Today, July 22, at the crack of dawn, he called and asked me to convey this message to you, “You are the people who have received God’s royal summons to kindle a beacon of light within Christianity.”
Securing Father’s freedom depends on you. I see this as the final opportunity God has given to us. Please continue fulfilling your mission and activities with the most sincere devotion, and carry out Father’s direction. When you move God’s heart with your sincere devotion, Satan will raise his arms in surrender, and history will welcome a new age. (True Mother, 1984/07/22)(CBG-7-3-3:3)