真の父母様の祝祷-True Parents’ Benediction :2016-04-21

By | June 14, 2016

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天一国原聖物下賜式における 真の父母様の祝祷

“天の父母様、もう一度矜恤(きょうじゅつ)の恩賜を、真の父母様の願いをなしとげる祝福の子女になることが出来る条件を立て、真の家庭としての影のない正午定着した信仰基準で、新しく立てられた天一国の真の民として、その使命と責任を全うする祝福子女となり、天の父母様が望まれ、真の父母様が73億人類を抱こうとされる、その事情の前に責任をすべて果たすことができる統一家の子女として、生まれ変わることができるその位置を祝福するために、もう一度真の父母様の名前で天の父母様に、矜恤のこの聖物を通じて新しく誕生し、永遠の本郷苑に行くことができる影のない、一点もサタン圏内の痕跡がない、そのような姿で故郷の地に行くことができる、最後に真の子女の姿になることができる祝福の恩賜を下さるこの聖物と、全世界の統一家の子女は天の父母様に喜び感謝し、最後に最善を尽くすことができる誇らしい歴史に残るあなたの子女、73億人類を真の父母様の懐に抱かせて差し上げることができる責任を全うする子女となれるよう、もう一度矜恤の手を差し伸べて下さることを、真の父母様の御名によって祈願いたします。 アーヂュ”

[天一国4年天暦3月15日 (陽暦2016.4.21)真の父母様の祝祷]


True Parents’ Benediction on the Original Holy Items of Cheon Il Guk

“Once again, the Heavenly Parent has bestowed His compassionate grace and laid the condition for the blessed families to uphold the wishes of the True Parents. Through this grace, the blessed families can establish the standard of faith that is 90 degrees straight and without shadow, the standard of true blessed families, and become the true citizens of Cheon Il Guk, blessed children who fulfill their mission and responsibility. Please bless this occasion so that these blessed children can be born anew as the children of Unification who can fulfill
their responsibility and realize the Heavenly Parent and True Parents’ wish, which is to embrace all 7.3 billion people around the world. Once again, I ask You, Heavenly Parent, in the name of True Parents that through these holy items, blessed families can be born anew and
can ascend to the eternal Bonhyangwon with no shadow or blemish. Please grant that these blessed children can ascend to the eternal Bonghyangwon with no traces of the Satanic sphere.
I know that these holy items are the grace of blessing that will allow these children to ascend in the eternal homeland as the last true children. Please grant us your hand of grace so that all the children of the Unification movement are grateful for these holy items and your children will offer their last measure of effort and fulfill their responsibility so that all 7.3 billion people around the world can come within the embrace of True Parents and these children can proudly be remembered in history. I pray these things in the name of True Parents. Aju.”
[True Mother’s prayer on 3.15 by the Heavenly Calendar in the 4th year of Cheon Il Guk (April 21, 2016)]

Please visit BFM’s site for detail :

Special Grace from True Parents & 40-Day Condition at bfm.familyfed.org