Your Weekly Update – March 3

By | March 4, 2017

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Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this week:

True Mother’s Address at the Inaugural Assembly of IAYSP

True Mother has founded the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) as an organization to connect and empower youth internationally to serve God, True Parents, and the world.

National Ministry Team March Meeting

There was a distinct sense of springtime in the air at this month’s National Ministry Team progress meeting, with both presenters and audience members from among our national leadership expressing enthusiasm about new ideas and opportunities emerging before us.

Wonmo Pyeongae Scholarship Awardee Profiles

On February 5 in Korea, True Mother presided over the Wonmo Foundation Scholarship Award Ceremony, where students from around the world received scholarships and were honored for their commitment to live a public life. A total of 34 Americans received scholarships to support their education and training, their fields of interest ranging widely from education in math, music, and art to finance, international relations, human services, and more. Congratulations to all the recipients!


At the March National Ministry Team meeting, Thomas McDevitt, Chairman of Universal Peace Federation (UPF) USA, introduced an upcoming series of American Leadership Conferences (ALC) scheduled to take place in the months ahead, which will pick up and expand the efforts of the International Leadership Conference held in Washington, D.C. in December and the 2017 UPF World Summit held in Seoul in February. The first conference of the series is scheduled to take place in New York on Saturday, March 11, 2017.

East Coast Can Do It

The We Can Do It workshop is coming to the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown, New York from March 25 – 28. Anyone on the East Coast (flexibly defined) who would like to learn more about becoming a Tribal Messiah is welcome to attend this regional workshop.