Your Weekly Update – March 10

By | March 12, 2017

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Every week the National Ministry Team compiles stories and important upcoming events in a quick weekly update video. Here is what we cover this week:

GPA Cheon Il Guk Missionaries

The American Cheon Il Guk (CIG) Missionary Trainees report about our first full week here in Costa Rica.

Las Vegas Peace Cup

The Inaugural USA Jr. Peace Cup Soccer Tournament Las Vegas A Jr. Peace Cup Soccer Tournament was held on January 16, 2017 at the Las Vegas Sportspark. The tournament included 6 divisions of soccer with ‘Champions’ and ‘Finalists’ awarded for each division.

East Garden

Watch the Weekly Update video for a sneak peek tour of the soon-to-open East Garden Museum.

Upcoming Divine Principle Workshops

Experience transformation through Divine Principle intensive study, learn how to apply its teachings in daily life , and gain the confidence to share it. Sign up today for a 4-day or 7-day seminar in Las Vegas.