With less than 10 days remaining until True Mother’s speech at Madison Square Garden, the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) has been increasingly striving to make “Peace Starts with Me” a great success, holding a series of incredible Clergy Breakfasts in addition to the clergy members’ individual efforts.
Since it was announced that True Mother will be speaking at Madison Square Garden, the members of ACLC have been campaigning for everyone to listen to True Mother’s message of hope, “Peace Starts with Me.” They have reached out to fellow pastors of various faiths across America, circulated to large Christian choirs the opportunity to be part of the 2,000 voice choir, and had dinners with numerous pastors explaining the importance of the July 15 event.
“I truly see the support of True Father and all the best spirits in making a miracle for God and True Parents on July 15th,” said Rev. Tom Cutts.
The most recent prayer breakfast was held on July 1, 2017, as 175 people gathered in the New Yorker Hotel Grand Ballroom—the very room where the 2,075 couples of the 1982 Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony were matched before they were married in Madison Square Garden. Among those in attendance at the breakfast were members and ministers of ACLC as well as their friends.
After a series of passionate, inspiring messages by members of ACLC in which they rallied everyone at the breakfast to come to the Garden, the level of determination among those at the breakfast seemed to be at its peak.“It’s really inspiring to see that so many Christian brothers and sisters are just as filled with anticipation to hear True Mother speak as we are,” said Dr. Michael Balcomb, the USA President for Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU). “With our 2000 voice choir and gospel stars we are going to raise the roof!”
Thank you to everyone who has been contributing to Peace Starts With Me by praying, planning, sharing, and spreading the word. Be sure to check familyfed.org daily for the latest mobilization resources and stories, and if you haven’t already, be sure to get your tickets!