GPA Students Write Letters to True Mother

By | November 30, 2018

GPA Students Write Letters to True Mother


 The 2018-2019 Generation Peace Academy (GPA) students wrote heartfelt letters to True Mother after experiencing True Mother’s love and dedication at the Peace Starts With Me rally at Nassau Coliseum.

 True Mother,

Thank you. Thank you for my family, my community, my morals, and everything that I love. All that I love and hold close to my heart is because of you and True Father. I want to repent for not previously understanding the hardships and the difficult course you went through until I started GPA. From what I learned so far about your life, I admire the strength, perseverance and determination you have had and continue to have throughout your life.

Throughout the rest of this year and even in my life after GPA, I want to develop and better my relationship with you, in attending you, because I know in attending and loving you I can better my relationship with God. I want to work toward uniting with you and your desires so I can play even a small part in bringing about a world of peace. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to see to you in Long Island, NY and to see your warm smile. Thank you for your motherly heart and iron-like strength that I witnessed at the event. I love you!


Calissa Mihan Quilates, Sacramento CA, 1st Year

 Dear True Mother,

I want to begin this letter by expressing my gratitude to you. Not just for being the reason my own parents are my parents, not just for being a model for peace and love around the world, not just for being the leader of this movement, but for being my True Mother. As I’ve grown and discovered my relationship with God, I’ve discovered your love for me. As I’ve wanted to discover God’s love, you’ve been the one I turned to. Without you, I never would have come to understand our Heavenly Parent fully. I never would have been able to see God as my Heavenly Parent because I would have been lost without the love of a mother. You’re the substantiation of that love.

I am also so thankful that you are my example for how to live. You’ve taught me to live my life in utmost gratitude, to go through my difficulties with a heart of love, to see the end goal and push through the present circumstances, to forgive, to love, and to unite. When I find the difficulties I face, I always go back to you and Father’s course. Seeing what you went through makes it easy to push passed my troubles. Because you invested so much for me to live a life of love and joy with God, I feel responsible to realize that and to return that love.

But True Mother, through all of this I want you to know just how much you have changed my life. Two years ago I had a choice; join the secular world and go to university, or try and pursue a deeper life of faith with Heavenly Parent. It seems like a simple decision, but it was so hard for me. Ultimately, after much prayer and guidance from God, I chose to join GPA. This is the place where I discovered your love for me. I am now in my second year on the program and every day I try to live my life in gratitude as you do.

Looking back, if I had chosen to join the secular world, if I had chosen to pursue money over true love, I would not be where I am today. I would not find as much joy and love as I do today. And that’s because of you. In my two years on GPA, my whole world changed. I went from being a negative, hurt, and agnostic person, to knowing God’s love for me and wanting to spread it as much as possible. My dream is to become a United States Congressman. I initially wanted to attend university right away to get started on my career, but now, my view on this has changed.

More than school, more than my career, more than my personal comfort, the most important thing in my life is living a life of attendance to you and to Heavenly Parent. The only reason I am alive, the only reason I have love in my life is because of you and Heavenly Parent. To live my life for myself would be such a waste. My life is meant to be lived for the sake of others. Even though my career may be delayed, the longer I can live and attend you and Heavenly Parent, the better. The more I can spread God’s love to my brothers and sisters, the better. The most important thing I can do with my life is to live for you and for God. I will eventually become that congressman and begin my career, but I will do it for you and for Heavenly Parent. I will inherit the dream of healing America, and help make it into a nation that will receive you as the only begotten daughter of God. I will do it for all the love you’ve given to me.

One point from your speech at Nassau Coliseum that stuck out to me the most was when you said, “I wish that if you have received heaven’s grace, you do not keep this grace for yourself.” I have received heaven’s grace through you and True Father, so I will be sure to share this grace. I will share your love not only with my own brothers and sisters, but with as many people around the world as I can.

Thank you, True Mother! I love you, and am so thankful for you. I know that the second generation Unificationists and I aren’t always the most filial children, but my pledge is to fight to love you and Heavenly Parent more every day, and to help build this world into the world you envisioned it to be. Thank you for being my strength and a model for true love. I love you Mother! Please be well, and I look forward to seeing you again soon! Saranghae!

Your son,

Connor Redmond, Red Hook, NY, 2nd Year

 Hello True Mother. I respect you a lot and I acknowledge that you have gone through so much suffering and trials of tribulations. It’s incredible that you were able to endure so much without complaint.

I have been reading and learning so much on GPA about your life, our True Father and our Movement. When I was listening to you at the rally, I was thinking about how I can become a leader who can help support this Movement and to help change the world. I want this world to be a better place but I can’t do this alone and I’m so happy to find that there are many individuals that think the same.

I want to thank you for being able to bring this event to us so that we can share and be able to bring action for future generations. Hopefully, in the future, I’ll be able to help other younger generations to help shape the world, too. Thank you sincerely.

Your son,

Yoshia Matsui, Maryland, 1st Year

 Hello True Mama and True Papa!

It’s your beautiful daughter from Worcester, MA! How are you doing right now? I hope you are really happy. I love you so much, True Mother and True Father. I wish I could just hug you right now to show you how much I love you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for this world. Thank you for the love you are always showing to so many of us. Thank you for helping me truly understand God’s heart.

On GPA, we just finished our second fundraising condition and we dedicated and offered up the whole condition to you, True Mother. Were you able to feel our love? During the condition and during the Hyojeong workshop, I constantly thought about how I can prepare my heart to see True Mother or be a child that True Mother can really trust to help fulfill her dream of creating One Family Under God on this earth. The biggest thing that I’ve probably learned so far on GPA is that we don’t have time to think about what we want or what we are feeling. Everything we do needs to be connected to God’s desires and dreams for this world. If it’s not, then when we are challenged it makes it so much harder to keep going because we were created to bring joy back to God, not to bring joy to ourselves. We don’t exist for ourselves, we exist for other people, for God, to ease His heart of loneliness and suffering.

After learning about this, I couldn’t imagine not doing anything about it. That’s why I’ve become even more determined to really include God into my life, into each and every moment I spend here on this earth, really trying to understand His heart and having His heart of wanting to share everything I have with Him. True Mama and True Papa, one of my dreams is to be someone who can really help educate young children on the purpose of life and helping them recognize where their value comes from because I feel like that’s the root of so many problems during middle school and high school, and even for young adults, too. If they can truly recognize that God loves them and that life is not something to survive but to embrace, I feel like that can really help create a happier generation in the future. I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to accomplish this yet, but the desire is there and that is what I feel I can do to help you True Mother. I want you to know that I got your back. You can count on me.

Something else that is so important is following through on the promises and commitments we make. I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to accomplish this, but I know that I won’t let myself go to spirit world until I accomplish this. I understand it’s not going to be easy, we all have a course of restoration to go through, right? I know that I have True Parents and God on my side, and for me that’s enough to keep me going. True Mama you are truly an amazing woman and the more and more I learn about you it just makes me so grateful for everything you’ve done for us and actually it makes me want to go through more challenges so that I can be more like you and understand your heart more. I want to also apologize to you and True Father for not truly understanding your roles or the positions you both have been in all my life. I do understand on a deeper level now, so all I can determine to do is to live my life supporting my True Parents and practicing what you have preached to become like you. Thank you for my parents especially! It was through their faith in you and God that I was able to cultivate a strong heart of love for you all! Thank you so much, True Mama and True Papa. I promise to make you both proud!

Love your daughter,
JungSun Rosanna Borinaga Batino, Worcester MA, 1st Year

 Dear True Mother,

Thank you very much for investing in coming to America! I’m very grateful for how much you’re able to keep loving despite how much fatigue and pressure comes at you.

I’m shameful for admitting this, but I didn’t really know much about you. Even while reading your Anthology and speeches, I couldn’t really feel your suffering or the pain that you have felt while going through the course to become True Mother. But now, while going through GPA, I want to really be able to understand you and your desires by going a similar path.

No matter how many hardships you went through, all I see is a strong woman fighting to fulfill God’s Will, and I want to really be able to help you achieve that. True Mother, I want to ask that you can keep going, to have hope in the next generation to inherit your desire and will, and to fulfill God’s Will.

True Mother, I’m very grateful for you and for showing me your motherly love. No matter how much you struggle, you still smile, convey your love, and are very sincere. Every single time that I read your words and hear your speeches and talks, I felt comforted and felt the powerful love you convey. Thank you very much for working so hard, pushing, and investing True Mother.

What I want to determine myself to do is to work on loving people I meet and practicing striving through challenges, and offer it all to you.


Houshin Kamata, Minneapolis, MN, 1st Year

 Dear True Mother,

Thank you so much for all the investments you are putting in for God, True Father, Jesus and all of us, for never complaining and always being patient with us, for guiding us toward God, for being the only begotten daughter of God and showing us what God’s motherly love is like. Because of your eternal, unchanging and unconditional love for all of us, I became the person I am today. Constantly thinking about God and True Parents, I overcame many challenges in life. Thinking about all of the pain you went through, my pain is nothing compared to that.

I want to dedicate this life of mine for others. God chose me for a reason. It has to be me to pay indemnity for my ancestors and create a better foundation for my descendants. I can’t rely on anyone else. I’m here on this earth right now in this specific era to give back to God. I was born for a very important role. It will all start with me. I will make a change. I will not lose. I will win the crown of glory.

There’s one last thing I would like to say to you True Mother. When I saw you smiling at the rally, it made my heart really warm. I heard a voice in my head telling me that I have to make you smile more. We really can’t take you for granted. You are our precious mother. We have to all unite to make you smile more. We have to put in 100% to make you proud and have more hope and faith in us. To let you rest. Our mother’s smile is what will unite us. All of us children have to unite for and with you. I’m sorry we are still far away from the ideal. I’m so sorry that we are not desperate enough for God and True Parents. I’m sorry that we can’t truly understand God and True Parents’ heart fully. I repent and I ask for your forgiveness. I won’t let you down. I will do better. I will make you proud. I pray that you stay healthy and not push yourself too much. I will keep you in my prayers every single day, True Mother. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Rika Lilian Otsubo, Hawai, 1st Year